I wasn’t cheating (It’s still the End of the Cloud)
I swear, i haven’t known any of what I’m going to share with you in this post, when I wrote “The End of the Cloud (as we know it)“. If I would have I probably may not have written it.
Anyway, this is about Jonathan Murray, CTO of Warner Music Group (@Adamalthus), defining something that isn’t even mentioned yet by Gartner and the-like (google it, for proof; even bing it; the result remains the same). And – hey! – he did that back in April 2013.
What he’s essentially saying is, that in order to enable businesses to compete in an ever more demanding, more dynamic, more agile era of interacting services and capabilities, in an era where things are connected to the net, to systems, to businesses, to humans, in an era where everything is going to be digitalized, IT needs to disruptively change not only the way it is delivered to businesses but actually the way it is built.
What Jonathan demands for (and according to his own account is realizing within Warner) is “IT Factories”. No Silos anymore. No monolithic application engineering and delivery. A service oriented component architecture for everything IT needs to deliver and connect with. And the term “Cloud” isn’t even mentioned. Because we’ve landed beyond even discussing it. The models are clear. The need for adopting them for the benefit of a new – an agile – IT is now!
What Jonathan demands for is “The Composable Enterprise” – essentially consisting of 4 core patterns:
- Decouple the Infrastructure
- Make Data a Service (awesome, disruptive quote from Jonathan’s September 2013 “CloudFoundry Conference” talk: “Stored procedures need to be strangled at birth!”)
- Decompose Applications
- and finally, of course: Automate Everything
Read the concept in his blog post on adamalthus.com.
And here’s two recordings of talks given by Jonathan – both really worth watching:
- GigaOM Structure 2013 (just ignore the two slight slips of Joe Weinman’s intro ;))
- Platform – The CloudFoundry Conference – September 2013
And then, let’s go build it …!
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