Another facebook music challenge
I was invited to participate in a new facebook game. Everybody knows, I dislike those and wouldn't participate. A few...
I was invited to participate in a new facebook game. Everybody knows, I dislike those and wouldn't participate. A few...
Ausnahmsweise Werbung am Blog: A1 hat sich ein Quäntchen Hochachtung für Werbekreativität erwirkt - mit dem Titelblatt (eigentlich: dem Titel-Überblatt) zur Samstagsausgabe der...
I’ve worked on cloud computing frameworks with a couple of companies meanwhile. DevOps like processes are always an issue along...
Woke up this morning to find this in my newsfeed: A New York Times article about the NSA collection of bulk call...
{{ this article has originally been published in }} Recently I began looking for an application performance...
Some time ago I promised to add a post about how to configure all the Lync DNS records on 1und1...
I am sitting at the Celtic-Plus spring event here in Vienna. Ridicolously high suit-rate compared to the fact that they...
Da war er wieder - der 2-3 mal jährliche Aufschrei der Online-Gemeinde über die AGBs eines Sozialen Netzwerks. Nicht irgendeines Sozialen Netzwerks: DES Sozialen...
{Im Bild die Teilnehmer an der Podiumsdiskussion der DBT-Veranstaltung "Health Gadgets", 29.01.2015, Haus der Musik} Gestern, Donnerstag, fand im Haus...