Vicious Circle into the Past
We are on the edge of an - as recently called it - exploding era: The IoT Era. An...
We are on the edge of an - as recently called it - exploding era: The IoT Era. An...
This post is part of the "Automation-Orchestration" architecture series. Posts of this series together comprise a whitepaper on Automation and Orchestration...
This post is part of the "Automation-Orchestration" architecture series. Posts of this series together comprise a whitepaper on Automation and Orchestration...
I'm pretty pissed by the recent rumours (let's call it that way) about the social media platform "twitter" introducing an algorithmic...
Is it - as a committed social media aficionado - applicable to call for an opt out of it all?...
Significant Other is asking me in 12-hour intervals: "Which state are we in: Like, dislike, hate?" Kids are showing me handling...
Woke up this morning to find this in my newsfeed: A New York Times article about the NSA collection of bulk call...
Und so ist dies hier also mein erster österreichischer (vulgo: deutschsprachiger) Blogbeitrag. Garnicht so einfach, stelle ich gerade fest, wenn...
If you need to seek for transparency, your provider failed. Around September 25, AWS notified their valued customers of ongoing...
I've not been here for long. Not because I wouldn't have had things to say - I actually had to...